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Our Process

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With no project too small or big, we address each project the same. Preparing mood boards, drawings, space planning and elevations of each area that is to be designed.

We will offer shopping trips to suppliers and manufacturers to show the options available. Starting each project with a design overview allows us to then breakdown what is required in each space and follow through with the practicalities of living.

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Ensuring each design comes into fruition requires detailed and technical drawings for builders to follow. Where projects are large we work with Architects to assist the process. Other third party specialist will be appointed where required.

All designs are put into schedules and purchased following the budget laid out by the client.

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EFD have a long standing relationship with our builders who help turn the designs into reality. We also work with other builders for specific client requests.

We have weekly design meetings with all third party specialist to ensure the project is running smoothly.